Thursday, July 22, 2010

Advantages and Disadvantages of Computers

Computer has many pros and cons, as every object in this world has. It's advantages and disadvantages are listed below:
a) Computers are 100% accurate and much more reliable than any other devices and human beings.
b) Computer is much faster than human
c) It is very much useful for repeated jobs, which is difficult and tedious for human to do.
d) With the help of computer, impossible things are easy to show and simulate.
e) It is versatile and can perform various types of works.
f) It can be used in multiple fields so it is called general purpose machine.
g) Because of the availability of storage, programs can be modified to add features for different purpose.
a) It is expensive and is beyond the reach of poor people. This limitation is being overcome because its cost is drastically decreasing day by day.
b) It is electronic machine, so there is much danger of electric shock and other physical damages.
c) Since it is much reliable, sometimes the failure in devices and programs can produce unreliable information and cause loss of data in a great extend.
d) It increases dependency on machine. Even for very simple calculation people need them.
e) Although it helps in faster and cheaper communication, there is much danger of security leakage by third party by which authentication becomes questionable.
f) In underdeveloped countries like Nepal, it increases piracy of intellection properties in big volume.
g) Since computers are used in sensitive areas like natural defense, civil aviation, banking, so even a simple mistake can cause loss of life and property.

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