Thursday, July 22, 2010

History of Computer

The Computer was developed from the development of Abacus which was developed 3000 thousand year ago in China. It is one type of counting device which has two sections Heaven and Earth. By moving (Manipulating) the beds of heaven and Earth the counting works will be performed.
After the development of this device in different time period different types of advanced devices were developed. Such as; Napier's bone
Slide rule
The Computer is also developed by using these steps.
In 1946
According to this development of devices into different time period the computer can be categorized into different generation. They are ;
1. First Generation (1946-1958) :- In this time period the computer was developed for the first time. In this time period the memory devices was used in Computers. Which is known as vacume tube?

Features of Generation Computer
- It was very big in Size.
- It uses vacume tube as main memory.
- In this generation of Computer required more electricity (Power) up to 30 KB.
- It was very slow in processing.
- It generates more heat.
2. Second Generation (1958-1964) :- The development of Computer between the time period 1959 to 1964 is known as second Generation. In this generation the technology was developed than first generation.

Features of generation Computer
- It was transistor as main memory
- The size of computer was reduced than first generation
- It has high processing speed than previous generation
- It required less electricity than first generation.

3. Third Generation (1965-1974)
The development of Computer in this times period it known as third generation computer. In this time period the computer was more advanced and reliable.
Features of third generation
- IC was use as main memory and circuit.
- The size was also reduced then previous generation
- The processing speed was increased and memory capacity was also increased.
- It uses less electricity power than previous generation.
- All types of normal software can be easily run in this computer. So it provides friendly environment to the user.

Fourth generation computer (1975- Till)
The computer which we can use now days is known as fourth generation of computer. It has high processing speed and more storage capacity. It also can be categorized in different such categorized such as; Pentium one; Pentium 2 , 3 and 4.

Features of Forth generation
- VLSI and VVLSI were used as main chip.
-Processing speed was developed up to GHZ
- It has more storage capacity than pervious generation
- The storage capacity it up to GB.
- The size of this generation computer is decreased up to laptop computer.
- Ti required low electric power up to twelve volt.
Fifth generation of computer (not started)The fifth generation of computer has been expected self thinking capacity and understood the human language. The Biochips are used as main components of computer.

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