Thursday, July 22, 2010

Types of Computers

Computers can be classified according to size, work, brand or model. so, if anybody asked which/what computer do you have ? A single answer is not sufficient. A single computer can be micro on the basis of size, IBM compatible on the basis of brand, AT on the basis of model and digital on the basis of work. Generally. we can classify computers on the following terms.
a) On the basis of size
On the basis of size computers can be classified into three groups. They are:
- Micro Computer
- Mini Computer
- Mainframe Computer
- Super Computer
Explanation of each is given below:
Micro computers
These are the smallest computer systems on the basis of size. These computers are called micro because microprocessor id used as CPU and they are very small. The smallest of this category are laptop, notebook and palmtop computers. The size is reducing day-by-day. Examples of this category are: IBM Pentium PC, Apple/Macintosh, Sun spark workstation etc. Some major characteristics of this category are as follows:
1. Smallest in terms of size. Can be kept on top of a desk (Desktop), on palm (palmtop), on top of our lap (laptop) and like a notebook.
2. Speed is highest and colt lower.
3. Since a single user system is used, storage devices and memory are smaller sized.
Mini computer
There are the medium sized computers on the basis of size. A centrally located CPU is connected with around 50 terminals. Examples of these computers are: Prime 9755, Vax36 etc. Some other major characteristics of this type of computers are listed below:
1. Medium sized computer occupying approximately 10 sq of area.
2. Around 50 terminals and large capacity storage devices than micro computers but smaller than mainframes.
3. Used for general purpose.
4. Used in medium sized organizations and corporations.
Mainframe computer
These are the largest computers on the basis of size. A centrally located CPU is connected with more than100 terminals. Examples of these computers are: IBM 1401, ICL 2950/10 etc. Some of the major characteristics of these computers are listed below:
1. Very large in size with approximately 1000sq. feet area.
2. Central processor, central administration.
3. More than 100 terminals, large capacity storage devices used.
4. Fastest and most expensive system in comparison to contemporary machines.
5. General purpose computers.
6. Used by large organization and governments for large scale data processing.
Super computer
Supercomputer is a computer that can process a great deal of information or make involved in extensive calculation very quickly. It processes the data instructions in millionths of a second, or microseconds. Supercomputers can resolve complex mathematical equations in a few hours, which would have taken a scientist with paper and pencil a lifetime, or years using a hand calculator.
b) On the basis of work
On the basis of the data they operate on computers can be classified as follows:
- Analog Computer
- Digital Computer- Hybrid Computer

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